Bookshop! (2014)

On display are volumes of The Recyclopedia- obsolete volumes which have been transformed using a variety of techniques into another kind of archive: a politics of aesthetics reflecting the uncertainties of an era in which utopian ideals seem to have been debunked and "Man" has realised that he forms part of a complex web of interrelated organisms in an equilibrium that is growing increasingly more and more fragile.

The remains generated in the process of working on the books- threads from the binding, tarlatan from the spine, the old papers extracted- are carefully collected and packaged alongside the remains of insects and other animals found on countryside walks in Italy, Spain and Scotland.

These natural history specimens are presented hermetically sealed in computer packaging. The majority of the collection is comprised of insect bodies and remains. No aesthetic criterion was used to place these remains in a hierarchy of values, common insects are conserved in resin alongside bought specimens of beetles and butterflies found, like the volumes of the Recyclopedia itself discarded in the flea market of Valencia.

This collection, similar in appearance to a curiosity cabinet presents a critique of the consumer society and the planned obsolescence which ensures that everything needs to be replaced constantly, updated promoting the values of "progress" where bytes become megabytes become gigabytes thereby ensuring that computing systems alongside all other technologies need constant renewal in order to run the latest software, display the latest HD videos etc...
The residue of this virtual reality is on display here, mummified in plastic, hermetically sealed like the discourses which promote specialisation at the expense of hybrid practises, ensuring that experts in different fields of knowledge cannot communicate with each other.

With the increasingly fast pace of modern life, even our personal information becomes quickly obsolete, and so alongside these works, a new series is on display based on recycled business cards, now reinvented as pictures and "gold" business cards.

Bookshop! was part of the Russafart Arts Festival (Valencia, 30 May-1 June 2014) where artists open their studios to the public and included an interactive video action Face Book.

El titulo juega con la palabra inglesa bookshop (libreria, literalmente tienda de libros) y el doble sentido de la palabra shop- tienda y compra.

Aquí están expuestas volúmenes de la Reciclopedia al lado de los restos que genera- la tarlatana del lomo, y los papeles antiguos extraídos son cuidadosamente empaquetados con los restos orgánicos de insectos encontrados en excursiones por el campo. La Reciclopedia es una serie de libros de artista y acciones. Es éste un producto de la época informática: utiliza volúmenes obsoletos para construir otro tipo de archivo: una política de la estética que refeja las inquietudes de una época donde parece que los ideales utópicos se han desmoronado y el hombre se da cuenta de que forma parte de una compleja red de organismos interrelacionados en un equilibrio cada vez más frágil.

Ahora también incluido en este acto de reciclaje esta otra serie basada en las antiguas tarjetas del artista que demuestra como en una época donde todo cambia a una velocidad vertiginosa, incluso nuestra información personal (correo electrónico, numero de teléfono, etc.) queda rápidamente obsoleta - las tarjetas ahora son reinventadas como cuadros o "tarjetas doradas".

Bookshop! formó parte del festival de artes Russafart 2014 donde artistas abren sus talleres al público y incluyó un vídeo-acción interactiva Face Book

Bookshop! (2014)

On display are volumes of The Recyclopedia- obsolete volumes which have been transformed using a variety of techniques into another kind of archive: a politics of aesthetics reflecting the uncertainties of an era in which utopian ideals seem to have been debunked and "Man" has realised that he forms part of a complex web of interrelated organisms in an equilibrium that is growing increasingly more and more fragile.

The remains generated in the process of working on the books- threads from the binding, tarlatan from the spine, the old papers extracted- are carefully collected and packaged alongside the remains of insects and other animals found on countryside walks in Italy, Spain and Scotland.

These natural history specimens are presented hermetically sealed in computer packaging. The majority of the collection is comprised of insect bodies and remains. No aesthetic criterion was used to place these remains in a hierarchy of values, common insects are conserved in resin alongside bought specimens of beetles and butterflies found, like the volumes of the Recyclopedia itself discarded in the flea market of Valencia.

This collection, similar in appearance to a curiosity cabinet presents a critique of the consumer society and the planned obsolescence which ensures that everything needs to be replaced constantly, updated promoting the values of "progress" where bytes become megabytes become gigabytes thereby ensuring that computing systems alongside all other technologies need constant renewal in order to run the latest software, display the latest HD videos etc...
The residue of this virtual reality is on display here, mummified in plastic, hermetically sealed like the discourses which promote specialisation at the expense of hybrid practises, ensuring that experts in different fields of knowledge cannot communicate with each other.

With the increasingly fast pace of modern life, even our personal information becomes quickly obsolete, and so alongside these works, a new series is on display based on recycled business cards, now reinvented as pictures and "gold" business cards.

Bookshop! was part of the Russafart Arts Festival (Valencia, 30 May-1 June 2014) where artists open their studios to the public and included an interactive video action Face Book.

El titulo juega con la palabra inglesa bookshop (libreria, literalmente tienda de libros) y el doble sentido de la palabra shop- tienda y compra.

Aquí están expuestas volúmenes de la Reciclopedia al lado de los restos que genera- la tarlatana del lomo, y los papeles antiguos extraídos son cuidadosamente empaquetados con los restos orgánicos de insectos encontrados en excursiones por el campo. La Reciclopedia es una serie de libros de artista y acciones. Es éste un producto de la época informática: utiliza volúmenes obsoletos para construir otro tipo de archivo: una política de la estética que refeja las inquietudes de una época donde parece que los ideales utópicos se han desmoronado y el hombre se da cuenta de que forma parte de una compleja red de organismos interrelacionados en un equilibrio cada vez más frágil.

Ahora también incluido en este acto de reciclaje esta otra serie basada en las antiguas tarjetas del artista que demuestra como en una época donde todo cambia a una velocidad vertiginosa, incluso nuestra información personal (correo electrónico, numero de teléfono, etc.) queda rápidamente obsoleta - las tarjetas ahora son reinventadas como cuadros o "tarjetas doradas".

Bookshop! formó parte del festival de artes Russafart 2014 donde artistas abren sus talleres al público y incluyó un vídeo-acción interactiva Face Book